Home / Career Developemnt / Alumni programme / Alumni stories / Scott Jobson
I really enjoy my job primarily because of my love of technology. My role at Aberdeen Asset Management* (AAM) is to provide our internal customers with advice and support so they can work efficiently and effectively. Some of the responsibilities I have taken on include managing the global IT helpdesk inbox during the mornings, taking part in and testing new projects, replacing faulty hardware and hardware components for users, imaging PCs for the London office, installing various pieces of software, as well as a huge amount of other tasks that all keep me interested and busy. I enjoy this line of work as I am meeting new people and helping them day to day. I am in a great team which has helped me learn a huge array of new skills that I have no doubt will help me now and in the future.
One of the most challenging parts of my job is the urgency of some incidents, for example if a user needs to access a folder immediately or a screen has suddenly stopped working. It requires calm and working through the issue to get it sorted as quickly as possible. Or the task may be more complicated in which case the user needs to be assured you’ll do the best you can. Colleagues are more than willing to help any time you ask.
At college I decided to look for job ideas as university wasn’t really something I wanted to do. Through an apprenticeship website I went to an open day with a few other young people in a similar situation. I did a couple of tests in a group until about ten of us were left, and we then did some mock interviews. I was interviewed for positions in my selected field, the IT support industry, including one at AAM where I was hired.
I am hoping that when my apprenticeship ends I will stay on with the company and be able to work my way up in the team to a senior level and expand on my knowledge and skills.
Investment20/20 has given me a great opportunity for which I am very grateful. It has guided me into the world of work while also being enjoyable, rewarding, and exciting. I feel like I have learned so much and grown as an individual because of it.
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