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I work in the Pricing Team in the Investment Operations team at Aberdeen Asset Management*. Most of my day is spent checking daily pricing, using back up sent through from our custodians to approve any movements that breach our set tolerances on each fund. The remainder of my day is spent working on monthly tasks, and projects, such as: the removal plan for one of our key systems – which we are about to end our contract for in the next few months. I’d say my position is well-suited to me, as it involves working on excel spreadsheets, using formulas and analysing figures. As I have always been extremely numerate, it has been hugely interesting for me to be able to use my mathematical and IT skills in a work environment.
The greatest challenge is in the variety of tasks that I do. Some days I’m given monthly tasks that I’ve never seen before, or have to use systems I’m not familiar with, requiring very quick learning and always taking notes.
I came straight from school a few months after graduating from the sixth form. Investment20/20 has given me great experience in the work place, giving me the opportunity to pick up valuable skills on the job, rather than in a classroom. Prior to starting this job, I didn’t really have any exposure to accounting or asset management, so it has been great for me to experience this industry, and I have found it to be very interesting thus far.
©2020 Investment20/20. Investment20/20 is a trading name of the Investment Association Services Ltd, a company registered in England under the number 02292214. The registered address is Camomile Court, 23 Camomile Street, London, EC3A 7LL.