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Charities Community and Youth Organisations

Investment20/20 helps drive a forward thinking, responsible and inclusive investment industry where every firm attracts, develops and retains talented people from all backgrounds.

We support a range of charities, community and youth organisations with their programmes and activities. If your organisation supports people and you would like us to deliver a careers session as part of your programme please do get in touch. Below are three of our careers outreach activities, but contact us if you would like us to support other careers events that you have planned.

Discover careers in investment management workshop

This session introduces participants to the purpose of investment management, career pathways and routes in. Participants will gain key information and statistics on the investment management labour market and the types of skills and jobs that will be in demand in the future. One of our Investment Ambassadors or a current Investment20/20 Trainee or Apprentice, will join the session, sharing their journey from education to work. We will also provide information on the Investment20/20 Trainee and Apprenticeship programme.

Investing to improve climate change workshop

This workshop will help students understand how good investment decisions can deliver a positive return in addressing climate change and environmental issues. Students will hear from sustainability experts from one of our member firms and understand how environmental topics in subjects such as geography and science come to life in jobs in investment management. 

The duration of the session is 45 – 60 minutes and is delivered virtually.

Preparing for the recruitment process

Students can be apprehensive about the recruitment process and unsure what to expect. This workshop will introduce students to the recruitment process, covering CV’s to psychometric tests and assessments centres.  It’s a great way for students to understand what selection methods are used by employers – and to hear from our Trainees or Apprentices on their own experience. 

The duration of the session is 45 – 60 minutes and is delivered virtually.

Book an Investment20/20 careers session

Email us to discuss your requirements:

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