Anthony Nash

Product Executive |
School/College Leaver

Why do you enjoy your job?

I enjoy my job as it is one that encompasses lots of communication skills, I get to actively talk and work with senior staff within the company. In my role in particular, we work closely with the Investment directors’ and fund managers on a day to day bases and this allows me to build up a rapport with these people, as well as enabling me to learn more about the industry from the vast range of experience they all possess. Moreover, I feel I am well suited to producing the client material we put together as I have a meticulous eye for detail when producing something, so therefore I am able to apply this to these report and attempt to spot out any errors that I may encounter and correct them!

What is the most challenging thing about your job?

The most challenging part about my job is the constant level of understanding that is required. Everyday since I have joined I have learnt something new, there is always something being asked for that I do not know exists and therefore I have to learn about where this comes from and secondly what it means. In this aspect, the job becomes extremely challenging for a novice though this is still a great positive to me.

How did you get into your job?

I got my job fresh after finishing my A-Levels in 2019, I studied History, Sociology and Business Studies at A-Level. I obtained grades AAB and was set on going on the London School of Economics to study Sociology (which I was offered a place on) however I turned it down in favour of the apprenticeship. It can almost seem alien to think that someone with this potential subject route would now be moving into an investment based job/industry, on the contrary however, I believe these subjects have helped as they allow me to understand the role form a different perspective. I consider myself extremely lucky to get the opportunity I was given, I learnt about this job through my school careers adviser who in turn had heard about it from Investment20/20, therefore I feel both my careers advisor and Investment20/20 played a valuable part in helping me obtain this job, and it goes to show the importance of what a network can help to provide. Moreover, despite being relatively new to this job as at the time of writing (7 Months in) Investment20/20 has already helped me meet a wider network and connect with those at other firms undertaking the same venture as me and this shows the importance of the programme.

What are your future aspirations?

My future aspirations are to be a success in professional life, I wish to develop a deeper micro level understanding of my role (and any future roles I may move into) and those roles attached to it. I aim to achieve this by completing professional qualifications attached to my industry while at the same time building a network of respected groups who can help me to progress further. Moreover, and just as importantly, I aim to inspire others to undertake a path similar to mine, I want to help those who may not be sure of the next step for them and I wish to encourage confidence in those who lack it.

How would you sum up your Investment20/20 experience?

My Investment20/20 experience, so far, has been incredibly awe-inspiring. The events they put on are great to be able to network in, and the industry insight evenings are always a highlight; the speakers they have at these insight events are some of the best speakers I have ever heard speak! Some of the backstories are incredibly moving and inspiring. This is just a snippet of what Investment20/20 has been able to offer me and I look forward to the rest of my scheme and what it will have to offer!

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